Volver a Blog Potenciando economías locales mediante el turismo y la aviación: el ejemplo de Sevilla y Ryanair 03/11/2022 In a competitive post crisis moment, cities around the world are competing for growth and economic wealth. There are many ways cities across the global can create economic wellbeing to its citizens and without a doubt, one of the key ingredient for the city of Seville is tourism. Over 80% of the tourist that arrive into Spain do so by plane and Ryanair has been leading the arrival of tourist into Spain since 2010. This session hosted by the Mayor of Seville, Antonio Muñoz, David Simón, Head of Public Affairs for Ryanair and moderated by TV presenter Elena Salamanca, will uncover the magic recipe behind Seville´s success. It will also demonstrate how important airlines are to the economic recovery and economic growth.