23-25 OCT 2024 | SEVILLE-FIBES

Juan Carlos Sanjuan Hernández

President & Founder
Casual Hoteles
Juan Carlos Sanjuan Hernández

Juan Carlos Sanjuán is a professional in the tourism sector with 30 years of experience, the last 19 of which he has held management positions in Meliá Hoteles, Petit Palace or Holiday Inn among others…
With more than 33 hotel openings under his belt and the implementation of quality and technology processes in the companies in which he has worked, he has extensive knowledge in the sector that allows him to offer differential services in Casual Hoteles to achieve an innovative and profitable company.
Founder of Casual Hoteles, a company that was born from nothing based on his experience, with exponential growth and that has been able to face the crisis not only staying afloat but also starting a new expansion plan.
Juan Carlos Sanjuán defines himself as: ‘I am an apprentice wanting to be a master. Trying to learn from everyone and give back to society what it has given me’“Soy un aprendiz queriendo ser maestro. Tratando de aprender de todos y devolver a la sociedad lo que ésta me ha regalado”
